Papers Published in 2014

Barasch, A., Levine, E.E., Berman, J.Z., Small, D.A. (2014) Selfish or selfless? On the signal value of emotion in altruistic behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(3), 393.
Barasch, Alix and Jonah Berger (2014) “Broadcasting and Narrowcasting: How Audience Size Impacts What People Share,” Journal of Marketing Research, 51(3), 286-299.
Berg, J. M. (2014). The primal mark: How the beginning shapes the end in the development of creative ideas. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 125(1), 1-17.
Berger, Jonah (2014) “Word-of-Mouth and Interpersonal Communication: A Review and Directions for Future Research” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(4), 586-607.
Berger, Jonah (2014), “Beyond Viral: Interpersonal Communication in the Internet Age,” Psychological Inquiry, 24, 293-296.
Bhattacharjee, Amit and Cassie Mogilner, “Happiness from Ordinary and Extraordinary Experiences,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (June), 1-17.
Bhattacharjee, Amit, Jonah Berger and Geeta Menon (2014), “Escaping the Crosshairs: When Identity Marketing Backfires,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41(2), 294-309.
Brooks, A., Dai, H. & Schweitzer, M. (2014). I’m sorry about the rain! Superfluous apologies demonstrate empathic concern and increase trust. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, no. 4 (May 2014): 467–474.
Brooks, A. W., Huang, L., Kearney, S. W., and Murray, F. E. 2014. Investors Prefer Entrepreneurial Ventures Pitched by Attractive Men. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(12): 4427-4431.
Chan, Cindy, Leaf Van Boven, Eduardo B. Andrade, and Dan Ariely, (2014) “Moral Violations Reduce Oral Consumption, ” Journal of Consumer Psychology,.
Clemons, Eric K. “Investigations into Consumers Preferences Concerning Privacy: An Initial Step Towards the Development of Modern and Consistent Privacy Protections Around the Globe”, (Eric. K. Clemons, Josh Wilson, Fujie JIN), Proceedings, 47th International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, Hawaii, January 2014).
Cutright, Keisha M. and Adriana Samper (2014), “Doing it the Hard Way: How Low Control Drives Preferences for High Effort Products and Services.” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (3), 730-745.
Cutright, Keisha M., Tulin Erdem, Gavan J. Fitzsimons and Ron Shachar (2014), “Finding Brands and Losing Your Religion?” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143 (6), 2209-2222.
Dai, H., K.L. Milkman, J. Riis (2014). “The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior.” Management Science, Vol. 60(10), 2563–2582.
Duclos, Rod and Alixandra Barasch (2014). “Prosocial Behavior in Intergroup Relations: How Donor Self-Construal and Recipient Group-Membership Shape Generosity.” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (1), 93-107.
Gino, Francesca and Cassie Mogilner (2014), “Time, Money, and Morality,” Psychological Science, 25 (2), 414-421.
Gong, M., Heal, G., Krantz, D., Kunreuther, H., and E. Weber (2014). “The Role of Subsidies in Coordination Games with Interconnected Risk.” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. , 27(5):395-407.
Gray, Julia and Raymond Hicks, (2014) “Reputations, Perceptions, and International Agreements,” International Interactions.
Gromet, D. M., & Okimoto, T. G. (2014). Back into the fold: The influence of offender amends and victim forgiveness on peer reintegration. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24, 411-441.
Hafenbrack, Andrew C., Kinias, Zoe, & Barsade, Sigal G. (2014). Debiasing the mind through meditation: Mindfulness and the sunk-cost bias. Psychological Science, 25: 369-376.
Kessler, Judd and Alvin Roth, Forthcoming (2014), “Loopholes undermine donation: An experiment motivated by an organ donation priority loophole in Israel” Journal of Public Economics: Stanford University
Kessler, Judd and Stephan Meier, Forthcoming (2014), “Learning from (Failed) Replications: Cognitive Load Manipulations and Charitable Giving” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization: Columbia Business School
Kinias, Z., Kim, H.S., Hafenbrack, A.C., & Lee, J.J. (2014). Standing out as a signal to selfishness: Culture and devaluation of non-normative characteristics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124(2), 190-203.
Levine, E. E., & Schweitzer, M. E. (2014). Are liars ethical? On the tension between benevolence and honesty. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 107-117.
Milkman, K.L., J.A. Minson, and K.G.M. Volpp (2014). “Holding the Hunger Games Hostage at the Gym: An Evaluation of Temptation Bundling.” Management Science, Vol. 60(2), 283-299.
Milkman, Katherine and Jonah Berger (2014), “The Science of Sharing and the Sharing of Science” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(4), 13642-13649.
Schrift, Rom Y. and Jeffrey R. Parker (2014), “Staying the Course: The Option of Doing Nothing and Its Impact on Post-Choice Persistence,” Psychological Science
Sevilla, J. and B. E. Kahn, (2014) “The Effect of Product Shape Completeness on Size Perceptions, Preference and Consumption,”Journal of Marketing Research.
Simmons, Joseph (2014), “What If Games Were Shorter?” DataColada, [26].
Townsend, C. and B. E. Kahn (2014), “The “Visual Preference Heuristic:” The Influence of Visual versus Verbal Depiction on Assortment Processing, Perceived Variety, and Choice Overload,” Journal of Consumer Research, February.
Yang, Lin, Keisha M. Cutright, Tanya L. Chartrand & Gavan J. Fitzsimons (2014), “Distinctively Different: Exposure to Multiple Brands in Low Elaboration Settings.” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (5), 973-992.

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