WBL On-Campus Lab

The WBL schedule is updated quarterly. Every three months an email is sent to all the lab users announcing it is time to submit requests. PIs are instructed to complete the request form online. A schedule is sent to all Lab Users about two weeks after receipt of all submissions. A reminder email is sent two weeks before the scheduled session date. It is important that ALL questions in the reminder email be answered as quickly as possible and definitely no later than the requested date.

Study Guidelines

Please note the following:

  • Session details for your study are required two weeks before your scheduled start date.
  • Final links and materials MUST be submitted one week before your scheduled start date.
  • All studies need IRB approval prior to the scheduled start date.
  • If you want to use the focus group rooms that MUST be stated in the request.
  • You must provide change if bonus pay is in increments smaller than $1. We ask that denominations not be smaller than $.25.
  • Each study is required to have its own consent form AND ask for WBL Lab ID.
  • The lab provides two RAs for each session. If your study requires more please make arrangements to provide your own RAs.
  • Requests from PhD students require a faculty advisor’s approval.

If your experiment has requirements better suited for a field study, online study or focus groups, please see the information about Specialized Panels.

If you want to run an Eye Tracking Lab Study:

Eye Tracking Lab Study (stimuli presented on computer monitors)

  • The experimenter is responsible for developing the stimulus presentation programs using SMI Experiment Center
  • We can offer a maximum sample size of 50 participants every 2 weeks
  • There is a 30 minute maximum per timeslot
  • Each task can only take 10-15 minutes
  • The participant fee is $5.00
  • WBL will honor our typical financial split and we will provide the RA(s)

Eye Tracking Field Study (natural stimuli, eye-tracking glasses used)

  • This study is run entirely by the experimenter
  • We provide only the space – the experimenter is responsible for all logistics (taking participants to/from field location and coding the data)
  • A 10 minute field study will take approximately 1 hour given the self-coding required and taking participants to/from study location
  • WBL will honor our standard financial split – we will not provide RA(s)

For details about conducting an eye-tracking experiment, please contact Robert Botto.

Wharton Behavioral Lab
Steinberg Hall – Dietrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Email: Wharton Behavioral Lab