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Information for Prospective WBL Panel Members
The WBL is currently running on-campus studies in Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, Suite 400, to the right of Joe’s Cafe.
We are now paying at an increased rate of $10 for up to 30 minutes, and $15 for up to an hour!
To join the WBL as a participant, please Register to Participate! Please be sure to complete the Prescreen questions on Sona so that you can sign up for studies.
Participants are paid via Virtual ClinCard (a platform similar to Venmo and Paypal) at a rate of $10.00 for 30 minutes and $15 for 60 minutes for on-campus studies and $2 to $6 for remote studies. Payment is determined by session length.
In order to receive payment in any WBL study you must complete the required tax documentation and have a US social security number.
US citizens must complete Form W-9 available here: W-9 Form
Foreign nationals – Non resident aliens must complete W-8BEN available here: W-8BEN
Completed forms can be submitted to our secure network.
By joining the panel, you are agreeing to maintain the integrity of the research by completing all answers honestly and to the best of your ability. Please note that you can only participate once in any given session and may not be eligible for all sessions due to researcher specifications.
What is the Wharton Behavioral Lab (the WBL)?
The Wharton Behavioral Laboratory (WBL) provides a variety of services that support data collection for behavioral research on business-related topics. The primary goal is to enhance the research productivity of Wharton faculty by minimizing the operational costs, both time and money, of conducting research. The primary services provided are maintaining and updating facilities, recruiting participants, handling administrative tasks, and staffing for a state-of-the-art experimental research laboratory that is a shared asset for all faculty and students doing behavioral research. It contributes to Wharton’s reputation for excellence in academic research and enhances Penn’s ability to attract and retain the very best scholars.
Where is the Wharton Behavioral Lab?
In the basement of Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, to the right of Joe’s Cafe.
Steinberg-Dietrich Hall, Suite 400
3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Who can participate?
Anyone who is 18 years of age or older and has a valid photo I.D.
Please note that we require users to have a valid U.S. social security number in order to receive payment. Those looking to take studies for extra credit are not required to have a SSN. You are able to receive payment and extra credit together.
What type of studies does the WBL run?
The WBL runs a large variety of studies. Most on-campus studies involve the use of a desktop computer and a questionnaire. Since the pandemic, we have been seeing an influx of more interactive and complex studies as researchers come up with innovative ideas. The WBL has also added a new feature, remote sessions, in which we send a survey or Zoom link directly to you. While the specific details of the studies are not available on our website once posted, you will be informed about the type of study and asked to give consent prior to each.
Studies can involve group work, conversations, negotiations, eating/drinking, estimations, presentations, heart-rate variability, EEG, facial expression analysis, and much, much more!
Whose studies am I taking?
The WBL runs research studies based on requests from Wharton faculty and PhD students. They come to us with an idea, and our team works to refine it to our space and participant pool. The sessions you participate in are a huge part of research at Penn, and become data for academic journals, textbooks, and more!
Where can I sign up for studies?
The Wharton Behavioral Lab uses Sona to post sessions and maintain participant profiles. Through this website, you can sign up to become a participant as well as sign up for all studies.
Your Sona profile will also keep a list of all of your previous and upcoming sessions. This is the website that you will use once you are a registered participant with us!
How much will I get paid for my participation and how do I ensure that I qualify for payment?
Payment is based on the length of the study. Participants qualify for payment if they have submitted an accurate and completed W-8/W9 tax form. To complete this form, you must have a valid U.S. social security number. Participants are paid via Virtual ClinCard at a rate of $15.00/hour for on-campus studies and $2 to $6 for remote studies.
How do I receive extra credit for MKTG 1010?
If you are in MKTG 1010, you can receive extra credit by taking studies with the WBL. To receive the maximum amount, you should participate in at least three sessions. The credit is applied at the end of the semester and is handled by the WBL and the class TAs. Participant names and the number of studies taken will be sent over after sessions have concluded–nothing has to be done on your end!
Please be sure to take studies as soon as possible to ensure you receive as much extra credit as you can! The amount of studies we run is based on how many requests we have from researchers and we do our best to run as many as possible. In some cases, the schedule may conclude sooner than the semester does, so sign up to participate ASAP.
What are my responsibilities?
As a participant you must agree to the following responsibilities.
- You must have only one account. If you would like to change your email, please alert the lab admin or email Those with multiple accounts will be suspended. Those creating multiple accounts to get around banning or screening will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and will be automatically banned from future participation in the lab.
- You can do a given study only once.
- You must arrive on time to your appointment. Sessions begin 5 minutes after the established start time.
- If you cannot make your appointment, you must cancel your scheduled session. Please contact if you need help cancelling your session.
- Give the experiments your complete attention. Users caught cheating, not following instructions, or otherwise not completing their assigned studies will be suspended and prohibited from further participation.
- Fill out the W8/W9 accurately. Those falsifying information will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and will be automatically banned from future participation in the lab.
How do I contact the WBL?
The quickest and easiest way to contact us is by email,
I cannot make my session. What should I do?
We understand that life happens. Please log into your account and cancel your participation. If it is too close to the session start-time to cancel, please email and let us know that you will not be attending. Those who do not cancel their appointments beforehand will receive an unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences will result in account suspension until the end of the semester.
Our strict attendance policy is in an effort to hit the numbers requested by our researchers. While we try to be understanding, if you are consistently unable to make your sessions, please reconsider signing up until you know that you can make it. If you are unable to cancel your session due to unforeseen circumstances, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience. Our policy allows for excused absences after the fact, but consistently no-showing in the lab is not permitted.
What is a Show-Up Fee?
Show-up fees are a payment of $5 given to those unable to participate through no fault of their own, that have shown up to the lab on-time and ready to participate.
The show up fee applies to the following circumstances:
- The study requires an even number of participants and there is an odd number that came
- The session is overbooked
- Unforeseen technical issues
This fee can typically be waved in lieu of signing up for another session at a later time for full payment upon completion of the study. If you receive a show up fee, you will still get MKTG 1010 credit.
Why are studies not showing up on Sona?
Please be aware that many of our studies need specific types of participants (e.g., women only) and most studies cannot use people who have previously participated in similar studies. Therefore, not everyone qualifies for all of our studies. It is important to keep your profile updated and accurate at all times to ensure you are in the correct demographic. The Sona Prescreen questions determine your eligibility.
Are these studies safe? Will I be exposed to anything harmful?
All of the studies run in the lab are approved by the Office of Regulatory Affairs, the Institutional Review Board. The mission of the IRB is:
- To promote the rights and welfare of human research participants
- To facilitate excellence in human research by providing timely and high quality review of human research
- To provide professional guidance and support to the research community
Will my participation be confidential?
When you sign up for the WBL, you will be assigned a Lab ID. This code will be your identifier for all studies. These Lab IDs allow us to make payments and keep track of sessions while retaining participant anonymity. Your personal information is never shared with the researcher, so all studies are kept confidential.
The W-8 and W-9 tax forms are sent to the university Individual Disbursement Services Office (Franklin Building, 3451 Walnut Street).
Lab Location and Directions
Steinberg Hall – Dietrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Note: Suite 400 is on the lower level, to the right of Joe’s Cafe
Connect with Us
Wharton Behavioral Lab
Steinberg Hall – Dietrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19104