Hardware and Software

The Behavioral Lab provides the following hardware

Six HP Reverb Omnicept Edition VR Headsets along with high performance gaming laptops can be used to present stimuli in 3D virtual reality while recording participant interactions, audio, video and eye tracking data. We can support single and multi-user paradigms.

WorldViz Vizard and SightLab Pro for building and running experiments in a 3D virtual reality environment. WorldViz is a python-based integrated development environment (IDE). SightLab libraries are available within WordViz to add eye tracking measures and analysis to VR studies.

Two Tobii Pro Fusion Eye Tracking systems. Screen-based eye tracking systems are used in a variety of ways from gathering information about responses to different web page layouts to the impact of different shelving displays in stores.

  • Eye trackers provide data about attention and preferences of test participants.  Gaze direction reflects attention and pupil dilation is associated with mental load.  Scan paths indicate how people look at websites and advertisements;  which part of an advertisement, picture or web page they actually notice, how long they look at various items.
  • Also supported in the Lab for eye tracking is a chin rest for stability and a light meter.

Tobii Pro Lab for eye tracking data gathering and analysis. Pro Lab integrations work with many stimulus presentation systems and software libraries such as E-Prime or PsychoPy.

Noldus FaceReader emotion coding software.  This software is capable of automatically analyzing facial expressions, providing users with an objective assessment of a person’s emotion based Ekman’s Facial Action Coding System (FACS).

Two Biopac MP36 systems researchers use to measure physiological responses during experiments.  The physiological measures can include heart rate, electrodermal activity, pulse rate, etc.

Two iMotions systems with Smart Eye Aurora Eye Tracking systems which provide a biometric research platform for multiple hardware systems and biometric sensors.

Two Shimmer GSR+ hardware devices which can wirelessly stream Heart Rate and Skin Conductance signals to iMotions or ConsensysPRO software.

The Behavioral Lab has customized, sophisticated recruitment and enrollment software which enables:

  • tracking of participants
  • monitoring monies earned
  • federal tax information
  • ensures privacy compliant with IRB requirements
  • easy registration
  • variable quotas
  • communication with participants
  • filtering of panel demographics

The Behavioral Lab supports the following software:

  • Web Browser
    • IE
    • Firefox
    • Chrome
  • Dell Webcam Center
  • Psychtoolbox
  • PsychoPi
  • z-Tree
  • E-Prime 2.0
  • Microsoft Office
  • Flash/Shockwave Player
  • Media Lab
  • ChatPlat

Wharton Behavioral Lab
Steinberg Hall – Dietrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Email: Wharton Behavioral Lab